Business Improvement Districts (BIDS)
The Wiri Business Association is also one of 51 Business Improvement Districts in Auckland and the relationship between Auckland Council and the business association is guided by a BID Policy, which was updated in 2022.
BID’s are funded by an additional rate known as a ‘targeted rate’, paid by all business and commercial property owners within the defined area. Although council collects the rate for the BID, it does not spend the rate. 100% of the targeted rate money collected by council is granted to the BID Executive Committee. The Committee determines how this money is spent via its Strategic Plan and annual business plan and budget as agreed at each year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). Click here to see the latest AGM documents.
Click here to read more about Council’s BID programme.
To find out how much your business is paying into the BID programme, see the reverse side of your commercial rates invoice.
For more information about the Wiri BID and what we do, click here
All property owners and businesses within the Wiri BID targeted rate area (click here to view BID map) are eligible to become members of the Association. Please contact our Membership & Engagement Manager Diana Viljoen on 027 307 2761 or email [email protected] to enquire .
Annual General Meetings
Each year, an AGM is held to review the previous year’s activities, adopt the financial statements and elect the Executive Committee. You must be a member of the association to vote and serve. Click here to view our AGM page (including minutes)
Attend a Board Meeting
Members of the Business Association are welcome to attend the monthly Board meetings. Please contact the Manager for the date of the next meeting and to provide notice of attendance. Items for discussion of General Business should be proposed with a minimum of two weeks’ notice to enable time to add to the agenda.
Please note that information discussed in these business meetings is confidential to our members; punctuality and a high standard of professionalism and respect is mandatory.
Non-members wishing to attend an Executive Committee meeting should make application to the Manager.
The current Wiri Board Members are:
Dave Pizzini – Takitimu Stag (Chair)
William Brown – Trimtex (Treasurer)
Jeanette Brown – WJE Holdings
Conan Lum – ASB
Teena Rhind – Adstaff Personnel
Ben Robinson – CML Limited
Rose Taito – Conbrio Security
Wayne Reid – BTR Two Limited
Matt Winiata – Manurewa Local Board Representative
Topou Folau – Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board
If you have any queries about the business association, please contact the Manager Gary Holmes via email [email protected] or phone 0274 966283
Click here to view our current Strategic Plan
Book Our Meeting Room
Wiri Business is pleased to offer our onsite meeting room for our local businesses to use, free of charge.
Our space has 6 large tables, which can accommodate up to 20 in boardroom style. There are additional chairs if required.
We have a 60-inch TV screen connected to an onsite computer. It has VC capability and a wireless microphone. There is also a space whiteboard fixed to the wall.
Visitors have use of the kitchen facilities also.
If you would like to book or see our meeting space, please contact [email protected]. clickGary