Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness in Wiri

The Auckland flooding in 2023 reminded us of the unpredictable nature of disasters and the critical need for organisations and businesses to be equipped with robust emergency response plans and business continuity strategies.

Wiri Business Association have worked in conjunction with experts from Simplexity and Maelstrom to deliver Emergency Preparedness training courses. From these courses, we have developed a toolkit to help businesses work through their emergency response plans:

Wiri Business can help businesses within the district be better equipped to handle emergencies, minimize disruptions, and ensure the safety of employees and customers. Contact us on info@wiribiz.org.nz if you’d like further information about our role or these resources. 

Contact information

If you would like to join the WBA, have comments or suggestions, or want to list your business in our online directory, then please contact us.

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