Emergency Preparedness

Wiri Business District - Emergency Preparedness

The Wiri Business Association (WBA) is undertaking a project designed to support Wiri businesses who may not have an emergency response plan in the advent of a natural disaster or other adverse event such as a fire or pandemic.

The WBA can play a crucial role in emergency preparedness for its business district by collaborating with local authorities, businesses, and stakeholders. Here are some ways we can help in this area:

By focusing on emergency preparedness, a BID can help businesses within the district be better equipped to handle emergencies, minimize disruptions, and ensure the safety of employees and customers. The examples mentioned above demonstrate how BIDs in various cities across the USA have taken proactive measures to enhance emergency preparedness within their business districts.

Contact information

If you would like to join the WBA, have comments or suggestions, or want to list your business in our online directory, then please contact us.

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