Keeping an eye on crime in Wiri
Unfortunately in September, Te Pu-A-Nga Maara‘s container on Harbour Ridge Drive was broken into, with supplies from the Awa Rangers stolen. It was disappointing, as they are the team that are on a mission to restore Puhinui stream and surrounding areas in Wiri.
Wiri Business Association helped to replace some of the items that were taken including a hot water urn, toaster and a first aid kit. We hope this helps Te Pu-A-Nga Maara on their way to continue the important work they are doing in our environment.
Did you know we have a dedicated Security Patrol?
We contract P4G Security to provide a constant mobile security patrol throughout the Wiri Business district from 6pm to 6am seven nights a week. This involves guards driving though every street in our area 2-3 times each night keeping an eye out for insecure gates, suspicious behaviour (be that people or vehicles). The hotspot areas that attract boy racers, drinking and other anti-social behaviour are visited more often as needed. We receive daily reports outlining where the patrols have been and reports of suspicious behaviour, incidents of graffiti, and rubbish dumping which we then follow up as necessary with the relevant organisation. The patrols are often in direct contact with Police during the night.

Smile, you’re on camera
We have a network of 32 CCTV cameras in the BID area. These are a mixture of general view and Number Plate recognition cameras. The cameras are connected to the Safer Cities Grid which means Police have real time access to the cameras should they be alerted to any incidents and post event footage can be downloaded if needed for follow-up action or prosecutions. We are currently installing an additional 25 cameras thanks for a funding grant from Auckland Council from the proceeds of crime fund from the government.
Monitoring of CCTV Cameras
CCTV Camera monitoring – on Friday and Saturday nights from 6pm to 6am the cameras are live monitored by a dedicated P4G staff member who keeps an eye out for people and vehicles in places they shouldn’t be at times they shouldn’t be. This person can direct the vehicle patrols to follow-up suspicious incidents, and we have had great success in deterring bad behaviour and this has often involved Police being contact for support. Again, we receive reports after each evening alerting us to what was found so we can follow-up as required. We are in the process of trailing an AI supported monitoring system that will enable us to monitor our cameras 24/7 for incidents (although this will be mainly focused on the night-time hours).
Have any concerns?
Should you witness any criminal activity within the district please contact the WBA office on 09 262 0804 or [email protected] or P4G on 09 262 0333