Ko au te whenua, te whenua ko au: I am the land, the land is me.
Wiri Business is committed to helping protect our landscape, flora and fauna. We are all guardians of Wiri and have a duty to ensure our businesses have strong sustainability practices.
Rubbish in our area is unsightly, attracts pests and does not reflect well on our district. We want Wiri Business District to be seen as a clean and tidy place to do business.

Rubbish Dumping
Report illegal rubbish dumping to us. Email a picture and the address to [email protected] and we will organise for dumped rubbish to be collected.

Lawn Mowing
Unkempt lawns makes our area look untidy. Wiri Business arranges lawn mowing services in areas that have been abandoned or are in a ‘grey’ area of responsibility. Contact [email protected] for further information.

Volunteer at a Street Clean Up
Do you or others at your workplace have a spare couple of hours to volunteer?
We offer ongoing street clean up opportunities in the Wiri Business District, on day to suit you!
Contact [email protected] for further information.

E Waste
We offer a low-cost e-waste collection for the businesses in our district. If you have items you would like recycled or would like further information on when the next collection will be, contact [email protected] for further information.

Graffiti Removal
Manukau Beautification Trust may be able to assist either in free* or low cost removal options. Contact Scott Henderson on 09 269 4080 for more information.

If you have pallets to be recycled, contact The Pallet Guy who will collect them for free!
Email [email protected]
or text/call on 021 334 095