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Update on truck parking

Update on Truck Parking

The Wiri Business Association recently met with Auckland Transport to address concerns about truck parking in the area. While legally parked trucks with current certifications cannot be penalized, we discussed issues like inconsiderate parking, roadside repairs, and lack of nighttime red lights.

AT is committed to taking action against illegal and inconsiderate parking and is prepared to increase resources in Wiri.  To support their efforts, the Wiri Business Association will be conducting a one-month trial involving:

Daytime Patrols: A qualified individual will patrol hotspot areas to identify and report illegally or inconsiderately parked vehicles to Auckland Transport for immediate ticketing.

Nighttime Patrols: The same person will patrol at night to identify trucks not displaying the required red lights and report them to Auckland Transport for follow-up.

Exploring Parking Management Solutions

We also discussed the possibility of introducing paid parking to manage parking demand, particularly during evenings. While this approach has been successful in retail areas, its effectiveness in an industrial area like Wiri is uncertain. We are open to trialling paid parking in a small area if there is sufficient support from local businesses.

Additionally, we will request a parking review from Auckland Transport to identify areas where no-parking zones on one side of the road might alleviate congestion.

Next Steps

Following the one-month trial, we aim to arrange a meeting between Auckland Transport and businesses who have provided feedback on this issue to discuss next steps and potential solutions.

We appreciate your continued cooperation and feedback as we work towards a solution that benefits all stakeholders in the Wiri area.